
  For Visitors & Staff

Covid-19 Screening

Notifications on visitor arrival

  For Contractors 

Scan CSCS card

Contactless Sign in

Record accidents & Incidents

Upload permits with expiry dates

Access a live fire register

Allocate parking spaces

Meet Health & Safety requirements

Reports on all visitor activity

Occupancy levels

Assign contractor jobs

Staff attendance

Central management dashboard

Paperless scopes of work

Capture key visitor information

Print self adhesive ID badges

Pre-register visitors & contractors

SIMS intergration

Customised to your branding & logo

In house developers to meet your changing needs

Are you controlling access with Paxton?

Integrate with Entrée Solutions to allow staff to sign in/out with a tap of their ID card or fob. 

Paxton card opening a door

Want to see the system first hand? Book a demonstration below

You can withdraw your consent at any time without prejudice. You can change the details we hold at any time. We do not share your information. Our contact details are 0330 1271 888 or sales@entreesolutions.co.uk You will be notified to re-consent should our purposes for your information changes.